So yesterday morning I went in for an adjustment. It was relatively quick because all she did was to replace the lower arch wire with a stainless steel wire (I think that what she called it). Basically my bottom teeth are perfect now so they are not supposed to move anymore.
She took the power chain off the teeth in the upper right hand side jaw, I think all the spaces are closed and she also took the miserable power string off. On Tuesday night my best friend told me I had a gap which in all seriousness, I had not even noticed. Anyway they mentioned it yesterday and she put a power string on it and the gap was closed thereafter.
Next month I get a stainless steel wire on the top jaw and elastics so that they can correct my bite. My teeth are perfectly straight now and the midlines are perfectly aligned. Only noticed yesterday after she mentioned it. So I 'sauntered' out of the ortho's office thinking that was the quickest least painful adjustment I have ever had. I was smiling to myself with glee. She told me my bottom teeth were going to be very painful but I disregarded that cos I felt fine.
Well guess what? today my whole jaw hurts, especially on the right hand side. All my teeth at the bottom are really sore and now that I think of it at the top they are sore too. I totally forgot how much it hurts after an adjustment.
I'm reading a really good book now by Louise Hay, its called: The power is within you. I think I have realised I have some serious issues about being single.
read you later.
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