Ok maybe its not 400 but yeah I have had the braces for nine months now can't believe it. Bumped into my friend Hanlie when I went in for the adjustment this morning. And she was inspired by me to get the braces, I tell you we are starting trends! its amazing how many adults I know that have braces now its great. I went for a scan this afternoon as well and a made a new friend called madelyn, she wants to get braces too as soon as she can afford it. She said her friend has had hers for a month and people keep asking her why she wants to get them because she is 23 already. I told her I got mine at the age of 27 and if people have a problem with them its their choice.
At todays adjustment they told me that I will be wearing elastics from next month because they need to correct my bite, its supposed to be a class 2 bite i think?... the spaces on both sides where teeth were extracted moved differently this time. The space on the right is totally closed so no power chain there this month, thanks be to God! I did get a power chain on the left and also a power string. When she removed the previous chain and string and even the arch wire that was really painful today. I haven't had such a painful adjustment for a while. She had to keep stopping to give my mouth a rest because she could see it was hurting me.
She placed a much thicker wire on the top jaw and also told me that they discussed my treatment and because my teeth are moving so quickly they think the braces might come off sooner than they initially thought. Lets see what happens. Had pumpkin for dinner because I was starving! haven't eaten all day. Every month I forget how painful adjustments are. oh well, each adjustment means I'm closer to my perfect smile....
Great your adjustment went so well.
A bite should be in class I, to work correctly, so maybe that's what your elastics will be doing.
Great that your teeth are doing so well and here's to that continuing!
Time really flies doesn't it. I'm up to 8 months now. The original estimate was 10-14 months; if not for those stubborn molars my surgery would be over and the braces would be coming off in 2 months. Sigh.
Hooray for being a good influence though. I bet there are lots of people wanting to fix their teeth but afraid to be the only ones with braces. In a way we're helping them.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for your treatments to work quickly and for you to get them off sooner than expected! :)
Just reached my 9 months too. Seems so fast but most people around me feel that I have had them on for longer. How long was the orginal estimate?
Hi Jen,
originial estimate is 2 years and I guess will only know in a while whether it will be shorter. I'm not counting on it though because my friend had hers for over two years even though they told her it would only be two. Two of my girlfriends only had theirs for 15 months. I tried checking up on your progress and I couldn't get into your blog, is it open? well lemme check.
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