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windhoek, Namibia

Saturday, May 17, 2008

where to start?!

Hi all!

Gosh I missed you! Spent some quality time with all of you and it looks good! Laura I even like your tracks!

Well its been a very hectic period, with work and I don't even know what else. I haven't posted for a while cos I've been too busy and did not have anything major that was teeth related to post. I was out of town for the last 8 days, up north east in this tiny little town and my wire decided to come out of the band on the right upper jaw right at the back. Ok most of the time it was ok but when I was in pain it hurt like a bitch! so after like 6 days of wondering why the wax was not helping and freaking out when I figured out why, I came home and went to the ortho for an emergency appointment. (There was no ortho in the town so I had to wait until I come home).

Getting that appointment was a bit of a schlep because the girl who answers the for phone for the ortho assistants is a stupid 18 year old freak. No offense to the young bloggers out there but this girl was particularly stupid. She didn't even know what an emergency appointment is. Anyway I got my appointment and it was so simple, she just clipped the wire and that was it. So yeah, wired lady, these things happen to others as well.

As for my personal life, oh well that has been a bit dramatic of late. My ex reappeared on the scene for a few days claiming that he still cares and blah blah. So I had this dilemma because my new crush is like my very own personal Chris Brown, tall and well, brown. But that sorted itself out because I told my ex I don't really want a boyfriend and we had a bit of an ugly conversation because I freaked out on him the same way I freaked out on my Chris Brown and he disappeared on me 6 days ago. As for Chris Brown, he's emotionally unavailable, has MAJOR SERIOUS COMMITMENT ISSUES and is just too good looking for his own good. I don't think a man has ever had this effect on me. But yeah, today I deleted his cellphone number because he's playing games with me and I always feel so bad afterwards. He makes plans and then cancels them at the last minute. Yesterday he texts me to tell me he is really depressed and I should let him know when I'm on the way to his house so he can come home because he's in a bar. Barely 30 minutes later he texts me to tell me he is going to a "binge" party and can we rather meet for breakfast today?!!! This is the third time he's pulled this stunt and I can't take it anymore. WHAT THE HELL IS A BINGE PARTY ANYWAY?

Well folks I hit the roof! I refused to hug or kiss him and I refused to meet him for brekky. So since then we have not spoken but as nice as he seems, being a humanitarian worker for the United Nations and as addicted as I have become to his conversation because he is just so damn smart, I have to walk away. I've just started to like him too much and its obvious that he will never like me enough. It hurts but he is somoene else's problem, err, prince. I reckon that sometimes you have to hurt yourself and let go before the man hurts you even more. Its hard but hey, as long as I am getting all tangled up with these two I can't meet the man that is right for me and really cares about me.

I totally cut my hair, its a blunt bob and I have never ever had short hair so its a different experience, but so far I am enjoying it and most people have responded positively. A few of the guys were like: "You did what?'' it was so funny. They act as if hair does not grow back.

I finished my book a month and a half ago and at the moment it is with an editor. Man that was a relief, no wonder there are people who do this full time its just so much work and my book is a relatively short one! Anyway I have a few deadlines coming up because I need to start sending the synopsis (summary of the book) to the publishers that requested it. Oprah here I come!

Work is going good aside from the fact that the office driver and cleaning lady wrote a complaint letter to my supervisor about the way I treat them. I was so sad after because I thought we had a good relationship but I guess not. So from now on when I'm around them I'm going to walk as if I'm on eggshells. I mean who ever heard of writing a complaint letter after you parked the freakin company vehicle behind my vehicle and went home on THREE separate occasions so I freaked out the third time. I just wrote an apology letter back because I thought to myself, not worth it to stoop to their level. I mean the cleaning lady of all people. Its not my fault she thinks I'm a spoiled rich kid cos I can afford a car and she can't. To be perfectly honest I think its a personal vendetta cos never in my (okay less than 6 years) career have I had a complaint letter written against me. My eyes started watering and my supervisor was furious because she thought it was unfair. I gave her a hug to calm her down, I can't understand why she is so fiercely loyal but it helps.

Yeah yesterday was a very dramatic day and I'm glad its over. Just needed to get all of this out. I loved the link on Bridgets latest post, it talks all about how beneficial blogging is and yeah its true...


Michelle said...

Good to hear you are staying strong and not letting these guys walk all over you. My oldest daughter has a boyfriend that doesn't treat her very well and she has gone back to him 4 times now. It infuriates me to think she doesn't think enough about herself to be stronger but, I guess that will come in time... I hope!
Post a pic of the new hairdo!!

nabukay said...

thanks Michelle its hard, the thing is I've just reached a point where I can't do it anymore. It just drains me too much, starting to think I'm supposed to be single... not sure.