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windhoek, Namibia

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

adjustment in two days

well its been a loooooong time since i checked on my ortho buddies. I have an adjustment on Friday and i'll here what the ortho says then. The spaces where two teeth (is that correct) were extracted are almost closed. I checked a couple of weeks ago and i can't believe how quickly my teeth moved those powerchains are something else. There is still a tiny space on the left where pieces of food get stuck and irritate the teeth but other than the spaces are almost closed. I managed to finish my book and have sent it off to an editor and been invited to speak at the South Africa Women Engineers conference. I can't believe there are people who think i should be a role model its crazy.


Ananda Devika said...

That's so awesome! Congrats on the book!

nabukay said...

thanks ananda! yeah i can't believe it either almost two years of work :)