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windhoek, Namibia

Saturday, April 26, 2008

new button and power chain = pain!

So yesterday I had an adjustment and it had been two long months. The good thing is my teeth moved quite a bit and because they are moving much faster than they thought I have to go for adjustments once a month now.

Anyway they put a button on my one wonky stubborn tooth and a powerchain. They also put two power chains on two teeth just before the small spaces where the extractions were done. This time they are trying to move those two teeth back to make more space for the crowding right at the front. As for the teeth on the bottom jaw, they aren't doing any work on those because they are perfect now. But today is one whole day and half after an adjustment and ALL and I mean ALL my teeth are so sore!

Yesterday I banged my desk in frustration at work because my adjustment was at 8am and I overslept so I didn't eat anything ahead of the time. I had some soup last night which was good and now I'm going to have some rice. Aaah what we do for good teeth.

Most people can see the difference in my teeth now though and so far I'm happy with my teeth. When there is a change I'll post a picture. In the meantime I'm going to keep on keeping on...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

adjustment in two days

well its been a loooooong time since i checked on my ortho buddies. I have an adjustment on Friday and i'll here what the ortho says then. The spaces where two teeth (is that correct) were extracted are almost closed. I checked a couple of weeks ago and i can't believe how quickly my teeth moved those powerchains are something else. There is still a tiny space on the left where pieces of food get stuck and irritate the teeth but other than the spaces are almost closed. I managed to finish my book and have sent it off to an editor and been invited to speak at the South Africa Women Engineers conference. I can't believe there are people who think i should be a role model its crazy.

Monday, April 7, 2008


so its been aaaaages since i last spent time with my blogger friends. Great news though, being the clever person that i am i postponed my last adjustment which means my treatment was postponed by almost a month because my next adjustment is only next week. in the meantime my teeth were doing pretty ok. today i had to go in for a teeth cleaning which was not too bad, but i am really good with my teeth hygiene now ever since that last infection i had. the brackets at the back on my upper jaw are really irritating my gums, strange. maybe the teeth are moving or something not sure? although my bite has changed a bit over the last few weeks.

now for the real news!! i sent my manuscript to a proper editor last weekend and she loved it. i have two more chapters to send to her and once she has finished editing it properly for me i start sending it to publishers!!! this is what it looks like now (see pic above).

ok let me catch up with y'all its been a while...