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windhoek, Namibia

Thursday, February 21, 2008

a not too bad adjustment

yesterday i had an adjustment, i think it was the third one so far? anyway, whatever it was it did not take too long. they put two new buttons in my mouth and a power chain was fitted on each side of the top jaw. she did that to speed up the closing of the extractions or rather the spaces.

damn but that power chain hurts when they put it on. my jaw still hurts quite a bit today but its not as bad as the last adjustment because i can still eat some things. its strange though because the teeth to which they attached the power chains are so sensitive so i can't eat with them. i can chew with the teeth right at the back and also the ones right in front. but its still hard.

someone please tell me, are the power chains going to affect my ability to kiss? cos i haven't seen my boyfriend for ages but he's coming down for the next two months and boy will i be sad if i can't kiss him! lol.

the only part of the adjustment that was quite traumatic was when she put the buttons in, there was something she used which burned part of my lip and the tongue separator bruised the inside of my mouth. other than that she was done in an hour and i was out of there. i settled my latest bill yesterday and in total so far it has cost me almost N$ 4 000, and those ugly bitches at the reception area have the nerve to be rude to me! anyway i told the Dr. this time and he claims that alot of people complain but he also said he will adress it again.

first of all if you are ugly (i know this is a really nasty thing to say) why must you be ugly to people that are coming in for treatment as well. fat dogs. ok let me stop being ugly too now and check on the rest of you all...


Michelle said...

The powerchain never affected my ability to kiss. Just made things sore for a little while and then I was able to forget all about it.
I'm sorry you had to deal with such rude people. Maybe we should try to think up a couple of quick comebacks for next time when you have to go. Wouldn't they be surprised. Shut them up right quick!

Shontelly said...

LOL WOW! hahaha That's funny. Snooty skanks.
I don't remember if the powerchain affected the way I kiss. I don't think it did though. That's pretty cool that your mans coming home!! and for two months. I know your on cloud nine! Good for you. You should do close up before and after of your teeth. Actually, I think they do that in the ortho office don't they? It really feels good to compare!

stephanie said...

Ooh, I don't look forward to power chains. Hope they feel better quickly, and kissing goes well :-)