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windhoek, Namibia

Sunday, November 30, 2008

tired of elastics

I think I am becoming bored with my elastics cos I can't see any difference in my teeth. Sometimes, but not very often I go an entire day without wearing them. That's really bad right? I think subconciously I just hate the things.

How long are we supposed to wear them anyways? I have an adjustment coming up with this week so I guess I'll ask the oral hygienist.

Let me check on the rest of you...


laura said...

I hate them too, and I've been cheating a bit with my post-surgery ones. I'm supposed to wear them all the time until Monday, but right now, my teeth are naked! Bwahahahaha! (except for the stupid braces of course)

Ok, it's just because I was having dinner. I'll put them back on after I brush.

Lynley (my friend) has them though, and they've made a huge difference in her teeth. She can't always tell, but I only see her every few weeks, so I notice it. Do you take photos? It might help motivate you to wear the nasty things if you have proof that your teeth are moving.

How did the adjustment go?

Jen said...

My elastic got passed around a dinner table in a restaurant under a plate. My friend found it on the other end of the table.